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Vitamin C & Me

Throughout the past couple of weeks our nutrition blogs have mainly focused on macronutrients (macros). As we concluded our segment about macros, we are transitioning into tackling micronutrients (micros). Both macronutrients and micronutrients are equally important to obtain in our diet. Micros contribute to many metabolic processes that occur in our body. The metabolic prosses are very complex as they consist of chemical compounds that are undergoing reactions to help our bodies and cells maintain proper homeostasis. Our first micronutrient that are learning about in this series is Vitamin C!


Vitamin C, everyone knows Vitamin C, we all LOVE our Vitamin C! Most people will tell you that Vitamin C is important because it can boost our immune system. Recent studies have shown that Vitamin C has been linked to helping COVID-19 patient’s symptoms. Vitamin C is an important contributor to maintaining optimal immunity but also contributes to other important functions. These other functions include . . . .

· Collagen synthesis (Collagen is known as the protein that strings our bodies together!)

· Creatinine synthesis (Creatine is important to improve strength, increase lean body mass, and aid muscle recovery.)

· Tyrosine catabolism (Helps chemical messengers communicate with the brain)

· Neurotransmitter synthesis (Helps body create and release neurotransmitters into the body)

· Antioxidant Activity (Can help limit free radicals present in our body)

· Cancer prevention (Studies have shown increased vitamin C intake is associated to lower risks of cancer.)


The importance of this vitamin was found in the early 1900’s when British sailors began to develop the condition known as scurvy. This condition occurred due to sailors not obtaining enough vitamin C in their diet when they set sail. Many sailors began to bring citrus fruits on board with them to help reduce side effect of this condition. Before the times of Food Science many thought that citrus fruits like lemons and limes were magical. As education evolved scientists found that scurvy is prevented by the micronutrient of Vitamin C. The American diet today is filled with abundant amounts of Vitamin C which have significantly reduced the prevalence of scurvy. People who are at risk for Vitamin C inadequacy include smokers, infants fed that are evaporated milk, individuals with limited food intake, and people with malabsorption due to disease.


The vitamin C Recommended Daily allowance (RDA) is different amongst age groups. In the age group of 14-18 year old's the RDA is 75mg for males and 65mg for females. The RDA for adults 19+ is 90mg for males and 75 mg for nonpregnant females. Pregnant females will need to incorporate an RDA of 85mg and 120mg during lactation. Smokers will consequently need to add 35mg/day more then the suggested RDA for their age group.


Good sources of vitamin C include . . . .

· Oranges / Orange Juice

· Grapefruit

· Red peppers

· Broccoli

· Strawberries

· Tomato Juice

· Cantaloupe

· Baked Potatoes

For any further question you have about vitamin C and its role it has on your body please be sure to reach out to our Forever Fitness staff. Our Forever Fitness Staff is here to help you understand the importance nutrition has on your health. Working out and reaching your fitness goals is one way increasing your health but, incorporating dietary practices will include further benefits for you to have a healthier lifestyle. that will If you liked this weeks article please be sure to give us a like, share, or comment!


Li Y, Schellhorn HE. New developments and novel therapeutic perspectives for vitamin C. J Nutr 2007;137:2171-84. [PubMed abstract]

Carr AC, Frei B. Toward a new recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C based on antioxidant and health effects in humans. Am J Clin Nutr 1999;69:1086-107. [PubMed abstract]


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