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Powerlifting & Nutrition

This month Forever Fitness introduced a new powerlifting challenge. Our monthly challenges are a way for our members to get involved and test themselves physically. Monthly challenges are great way for members to reach new goals and hold them accountable for their workout routine. These challenges are truly built for members to shot for success and provide them with a support team!

As our monthly challenge is centered around powerlifting, providing our members with some nutrition information regarding powerlifting is vital for successes. A normal balance diet that many people should be aiming to consume consist of balanced macronutrients. This normal diet can be seen at 45-55% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 10-15% from protein, and 25-35% from fat. True powerlifters who are religiously in the gym and meticulously working towards increasing their strength are going to consume a slightly different proportions of their macronutrients. Their diet will consist of 55-65% of daily calories from carbohydrates, 15% from protein, and 30% from fat.

Why do powerlifters consume a different proportion of macronutrients?

Each macronutrient is responsible for its own job. With different physical activity levels powerlifters are going to be burning more calories and will need an increase in energy. To help maintain liver and glycogen stores present in an athlete a higher consumption of carbohydrates is necessary. If athletes are eating too little carbohydrates, then those glycogen stores will shrink limiting energy reserves needed to get through competitions. Increasing protein and consuming and adequate amount will help powerlifters maintain a positive nitrogen balance. If nitrogen balance reaches the negative, then protein catabolism and slow recovery will occur. When this occurs, muscle wasting, and training intolerance is at risk of occurring. Fat intake in an athlete is slightly higher because it can help main testosterone levels. This hormone is important because studies have shown testosterone levels lower during high-volume training. Testosterone is important to powerlifters because it aids in protein synthesis which is vital for powerlifters.

What role does micronutrients play in a powerlifters diet?

Micronutrients play just as important role in our diet as macronutrients. Our vitamins and minerals are respobile for metabolic procsses, play roles in energy synthesis, help regulate cell, and prevent never damage. Proper consumption of minerals will contribute to exercise capacity. Vitamins A and E can help reduce oxidative stress that occurs in high levels seen in highly active individuals. Keeping a healthy immune system is not only helpful in pandemic times but can also contribute to optimal lifting performance. Research has shown that many athletes do not consume the recommended daily allowed (RDA) of their micronutrients. If powerlifters are failing to get all essential micronutrients taking a low-dose multivitamin can be helpful. If multivitamin are being consider powerlifters should talk to their local dietitian!

These are some basic principles to remember when it comes to nutrition and powerlifting. For maximum results powerlifters must not only put the work in the gym but also keep up with proper fueling strategies at home. Nutrition is a topic that makes people feel overwhelmed and anxious. This is perfectly okay to feel due to all the different information that is released by society. With any information you are receiving you should always want to make sure sources are creditable and come from an educated in a background. For any further questions about nutrition and powerlifting be sure to contact our Forever Fitness team!

Resources: Kreider RB, Wilborn CD, Taylor L, et al. ISSN exercise & sport nutrition review: research & recommendations. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2010;7:7. Published 2010 Feb 2. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-7-7


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